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Thank you for your interest in flameworking live at this year's Michigan Glass Project!


Please fill out this form to be considered for torch time. We offer a limited amount of demo slots that are approximately 2.5-3 hours long. All work created on site at MGP will be auctioned and sold to raise funds for our mission.


Deadline for applicatons is February 15th, 2024. We will be notifying applicants of their level of involvement no later than March 15th, 2024

Have you participated in MGP in the past?
If so, what years?
Which days are you available?
What is your t-shirt size?
In the majority of cases, we require participants to bring their own torch. Your torch must have hoses with standard threaded fittings, ready to screw on to our system. Do not come with barb ends, cut off line, or quick connects. Will any of this be an issue for you?
Are you comfortable sharing your torch with other artists who use a comparable torch?
Where can we see your work?
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Please read and reply to each statement below:

I understand that torch slots at The Michigan Glass Project are very limited and that MGP will not be able to accommodate all requests for torch time.
I understand that glassblowers will be chosen at the discretion of The Michigan Glass Project founders. I understand that this is a juried process based on work, experience, past participation, and potential to make the most of the time allotment, in order to raise the most money for the charity.
I understand that it will be of utmost importance to arrive 15 minutes prior to my scheduled time and that if I do not arrive on time, I will not be able to work any longer than my original time allotment. If I think I will need more time then I am scheduled for, I understand that I may come with prepped work.
I understand that if I come with prepped work that needs to go into a cold kiln, I must bring it 30 minutes prior to the start of the day. If I do not, I may be putting my prep into a heated kiln.
I understand that glass will be slightly limited at the event. Clear and joints will be available but are being donated so must be used properly and sparingly, not to be wasted. Some color will be available, will be handed out under supervision of The Michigan Glass Project, and must be used properly and not wasted.
I understand that torch time at The Michigan Glass Project is a precious commodity, and that it must be used with the intention of producing quality, sellable work in order to raise as much money as possible for the charity. I will be expected to make a piece(s) I can finish in my time allotment and will not use my torch time to experiment with new techniques.
I understand that all work that is is made at The Michigan Glass Project main event is property of The Michigan Glass Project.

*Do not exit page until you receive a confirmation message after submitting application*


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© 2024 The Michigan Glass Project

The Michigan Glass Project is a nonprofit, tax-exempt charitable organization (tax identification number 38-3871146) under Section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code. Donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law.

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